About Me
Hello! I’m
citizen of the World of Art.
I am
from the south of Spain.

About Sintora
Sintora’s artistic efforts revolve around a surreal world, where he skilfully poses questions that invite reflection on life, death, the transformation of our innermost essence and the human existential journey in general. His main objective is to stimulate the reflection of viewers on their life evolution and embrace their individuality.
- PRESENCIAS 58 (LUZ DE NOVIEMBRE) FROM NOV 21 2024 TO JANUARY 17 2025 - Exhibition Space Pacífico 54 - Organized by Delegación de Cultura, Diputación de Málaga & Aplama - GROUP EXHIBITION - MÁLAGA(SPAIN) 2024
- NOCHE EN BLANCO MÁLAGA 2024 - Organized by Department of Culture and Historical Heritage of Málaga, Junta de Andalucía, Diputación de Málaga & Universidad de Málaga, in collaboration with multiple entities and public and private cultural managers - MÁLAGA(SPAIN) -2024
- CALZARTE 2023 - Organized by José María Amat Amer Footwear Museum, in collaboration with the Elda Photographic Association - ALICANTE(spain) - COMING SOON
- III Biennial of Contemporary Drawing "The Traces of Drawing" - Inauguration on December 18, MÁLAGA(SPAIN) - 2023
- RECONSTRUCTION - AS HUMMO (Alter Ego) - HORNO Online Art Gallery - SOLO EXHIBITION - 2021
- TALK TO ME - as VIKTOR VAN DER LAK (alter-ego) - HORNO Online Art Gallery - SOLO EXHIB - 2021
- MEMENTO MORI - HORNO Online Art Gallery - SOLO EXHIBITION - 2021
- Finalist in III Biennial of Contemporary Drawing "The Traces of Drawing" - Inauguration on December 18, MÁLAGA - SPAIN - 2023
- Finalist in the contest "CALZARTE 2023" organized by José María Amat Amer Footwear Museum, in collaboration with the Elda Photographic Association - ALICANTE- SPAIN - 2023 - The official opening date has not yet been announced.
- Best Photographic Story by EFTI - Centro Internacional de Fotografía y Cine - Madrid - 2006
Born in 1973 in Málaga, Andalucía, Spain.
Actually he lives and works in Málaga City.
- Photography in EFTI - Centro Internacional de Fotografía y Cine OF Madrid. SPAIN - 2006
- Graduated from Escuela de Arte San Telmo of MÁLAGA in Fashion Design. SPAIN -1998
- Graduated from Escuela de Arte San Telmo of MÁLAGA in Graphic Design. SPAIN - 1996
- Art classes at Casa de la Cultura Gerald Brenan of Churriana - Málaga -SPAIN. 1990 - 1992
Sintora is a versatile artist who graduated from the San Telmo School of Art in Malaga, specializing in Graphic Design and Fashion Design. He also studied photography at EFTI, the International Photography and Film Center of Madrid.
Sintora’s artistic efforts revolve around a surreal world, where he skilfully poses questions that invite reflection on life, death, the transformation of our innermost essence and the human existential journey in general. His main objective is to stimulate the reflection of viewers on their life evolution and embrace their individuality.
Although Sintora initially focused on fashion design, he later turned his focus towards a more intimate and introspective vision. This change led him to undertake various projects in different media, such as photography, video, sculpture and a wide range of painting techniques. From a multidisciplinary approach, Sintora constantly seeks to enrich his work by incorporating innovative techniques.
In a fascinating way, Sintora has also embarked on creative exercises where he immerses himself in the perspectives of other artists, creating characters or alter egos of his own. Through this exploration, he delves into his creativity from different angles, ultimately resulting in the development of a truly unique and distinctive artistic style.
In short, Sintora is a talented artist recognized for his unmistakable and extraordinary style. His work delves into deep questions about human experience, evolution and individuality, employing a wide variety of means to enhance artistic expression.
Francisco Mostazo Fernández.
Cultural manager & expert in communication and art.
En español:
Sintora es un artista versatil que se graduó por la Escuela de Arte San Telmo de Málaga, especializándose en Diseño Gráfico y Diseño de Moda. Además, realizó estudios en Fotografía en EFTI, Centro Internacional de Fotografía y Cine de Madrid.
Los esfuerzos artísticos de Sintora giran en torno a un mundo surrealista, donde plantea habilidosamente preguntas que invitan a la reflexión sobre la vida, la muerte, la transformación de nuestra esencia mas interna y el viaje existencial humano en general. Su objetivo principal es estimular la reflexión de los espectadores sobre su evolución vital y abrazar su individualidad.
Aunque inicialmente Sintora se centró en el diseño de moda, posteriormente dirigió su enfoque hacia una visión más íntima e introspectiva. Este cambio lo llevó a emprender proyectos en diferentes medios, como fotografía, video, escultura y varias técnicas de pintura. Desde un enfoque multidisciplinario, Sintora busca constantemente enriquecer su trabajo incorporando técnicas innovadoras.
De manera fascinante, Sintora se ha embarcado en ejercicios creativos donde se sumerge en las perspectivas de otros artistas, creando personajes o alter egos propios. A través de esta exploración, profundiza en su creatividad desde ángulos distintos, lo que finalmente resulta en el desarrollo de un estilo artístico único y distintivo.
En resumen, Sintora es un talentoso artista reconocido por su estilo inconfundible y extraordinario. Su obra indaga en profundas preguntas sobre la experiencia humana, la evolución y la individualidad, empleando una amplia variedad de medios para realzar la expresión artística.
Francisco Mostazo Fernández.
Gestor cultural y experto en comunicación y arte.
When I think about my birth as Sintora, I realize that it was in a moment of deep darkness, a moment of inner searching to reach my root, but not as something negative but quite the opposite, as a restructuring of my own being, as a rebirth; for the light to exist there must be darkness, for Sintora to be born it was necessary to reach the deepest, the most extreme: darkness-light, death-rebirth.
My personal life and my work I do not conceive them without a permanent contact with art in any of its manifestations, art comes to move me in a very deep and intense way. When I look at a work of art and it excites me it is as if I vibrates with the same energy that emanates from that artistic piece and my body recognized it. Therefore I have an insatiable need to create.
I would like to say that I work from a total creative freedom because I believe that if it were not so an artist would not create art and so making my work contribute to feed who identifies with it. It is an incentive to get when a viewer observes my work to take him even for a moment to think about life, its evolution and its vital process as a person.
I have many sources from which I draw inspiration, but obviously I have certain preferences for surrealist artists and Flemish painting, artists like Van Der Weyden, Bosch, Rene Magritte, Dali and many other great masters like Velazquez, el Greco, Botticelli, Caravaggio and Rubens. I also find inspiring works in fashion, music, literature, cinema, asian culture...
I remember that from a very young age surrealism attracted me, I imagine that my mind in my childhood as that of all children was prepared to connect with those imaginary and dream worlds.
"I dream of a world full of art, because art unites, removes boundaries, and makes us universal."
En español:
Cuando pienso en mi nacimiento como Sintora, me doy cuenta de que fue en un momento de profunda oscuridad, pero no como algo negativo sino mas bien todo lo contrario, como una reestructuración de mi propio ser, como un renacer; para que la luz exista tiene que haber oscuridad, para que Sintora naciera hacía falta llegar a lo mas profundo, a lo mas extremo: oscuridad-luz, muerte-nacimiento.
Mi vida personal no la concibo sin un permanente contacto con el arte en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones, al arte me llega a conmover de una forma muy profunda e intensa. Cuando observo una obra de arte y me emociona es como si vibrara con la misma energía que emana de esa pieza artística y mi cuerpo la reconociera. Por todo ello tengo una necesidad insaciable de crear.
Me gustaría decir que trabajo desde una total libertad creativa ya que si no fuera así un artista no crearía arte y haciendo así que mi obra contribuya a alimentar a quien se identifique con ella. Es un aliciente conseguir que cuando un espectador observa mi obra le lleve aunque sea por un momento a pensar sobre la vida, su evolución y su proceso vital como persona.
Tengo multitud de fuentes de las que extraigo inspiración, pero evidentemente tengo ciertas preferencias por los artistas surrealistas y la pintura flamenca, artistas como Van Der Weyden, el Bosco, René Magritte, Dalí y otros muchos grandes maestros como Velazquez, el Greco, Botticelli, Caravaggio y Rubens. También encuentro obras inspiradoras en la moda, la música, la literatura, el cine, la cultura asiática...
Recuerdo que desde muy pequeño el surrealismo me atrajo, imagino que mi mente en mi infancia, como la de todos los niños, estaba preparada para conectar con esos mundos imaginarios y de ensueño.
"Sueño con un mundo lleno de arte, porque el arte une, elimina fronteras y nos hace universales."

Navigating through a path of creative light is the only way I’ve ever known to live.
"When we look at the Universe and see the beauty of the stars, stars thousands of light-years away, it is a mystery that escapes our understanding, it is the same mystery of the beauty of a work of art an inch away from you."
"I usually think of a world full of art, because art unites, removes borders and makes us universal."
© Copyright 2023 SINTORA